Last September, my daughter decided that her Princess lunch bag was too girly. She was too embarrassed to carry it, so I rushed to Target and bought her a grown-up looking lunch bag. The one I bought was a pink Thermos Raya Lunch Cooler (see photo on the left). She loved it and we used it to the max. It is designed to fit 6 cans. I would fill it with 2 Ziploc containers and 2 juice pouches as well as various snack bags. I think my daughter grew quite a bit this year thanks to the amount of food I can pack in this Thermos lunch cooler. However, by May, the seam right below the handle (and above the zipper) became loose. Soon, a ripped hole developed along the seam. We still used it until the end of the school year. So I was going to throw it out when the school year was over. But the more I thought about it, I decided the lunch cooler should have lasted more than 1 year because I have never packed anything that was heavier than 6 cans in that bag. So I went on-line and emailed Thermos. Within a week, a customer service representative from Thermos emailed me back and asked me to send our Thermos lunch cooler back for repairs. In mid-June, I sent the lunch cooler back to Thermos (I spent $4 in postage). I had totally forgotten about it until I got a package from Thermos this morning.
When we opened the box, a nice surprise was sitting in the bag. It was a brand new blue Raya Sling Pack Lunch Cooler (see photo on the right) that can fit 12 cans!!! My daughter was so happy. We have been searching for a larger Thermos lunch cooler for September. My daughter has been progressively eating much more these days and the old 6-can lunch cooler just would not fit all the food I pack for her school day. We have been going to different Target stores looking for the perfect lunch bag. We found a Thermos Raya Lunch Duffle bag that was perfect for her. It's a 9-can bag. Unfortunately, we weren't able to find the pattern she liked, so we haven't bought it yet. So that blue Sling Pack Lunch Cooler arrived at the perfect time.
The moral of this story is that if a product becomes un-usable, we should first check the warranty of the product (or if there are any recalls on the product) before we throw it out. If it is manufactured by a reputable company and it can be sent back for repairs, please do so. This is not the first time I call a company and inquired about a product's warranty status, but Thermos proves to be a noteworthy company. It's customer service is efficient and friendly. They get things done and we will continue to be Thermos' loyal customer.
去年九月,女兒上四年級。 開學不久後,女兒向我要個新的午餐袋。 問題是她的午餐袋很新又漂亮(有三位迪斯尼公主在上面), 我就告訴她目前不會買給她, 因為她的午餐袋還新新的, 可是 Target 九月底通常會來個清倉大賣 (75% off ), 我說到時候我再買個新的給她。這件事就到個段落, 女兒也沒再說什麼。 直到第二天我載她上學,她下車時大包小包的,可是我看到她刻意的把她的午餐包藏在她的大腿及書包中間。那時我才恍然大悟, 原來她是不好意思再帶那公主包包了。 她也沒講清楚。 這輩子我最防的是不要我小孩為了某種原因被其他小朋友取笑。 我竟然為了省二、三塊錢有可能讓我女兒被同學取笑。 我二話不說就殺到 Target 幫女兒買了個新的午餐袋。 我選中膳魔師保溫杯袋 (Thermos Raya Lunch Cooler), 才$6.99 。粉紅色的袋子(如圖一), 我一看就知道女兒會喜歡。再加上這袋子可以容下六個汽水罐, 我覺得這樣才裝得下二個便當盒。女兒看到她新的午餐袋時, 高興得不得了。我就捨不得罵她了 (我要她學會爭取自己想要的東西,而不要輕意放棄爭取)。
這一天來,女兒天天帶這午餐帶。每天裝滿食物去學校, 回家時袋子裏也都空空的了。 所以呢....她在學校吃得多, 這學年也長高不少。到了五月時,我發現這袋子在手把下方有個裂痕,而且越來洞就越大。心裏想說反正只要能用到學期末就可以把這袋子扔了, 八月時再買個更大的午餐袋給女兒。放暑假後,我看了那午餐袋,想了一下, 決定寫 email 給膳魔師公司 (Thermos) 詢問補修這袋子的費用 (雖然女兒上學不用了,可是我們去野餐時帶著還蠻好用的)。我想說好歹也有一年的保修吧! 結果膳魔師公司的客服回答我, 要我把袋子寄回去給它們。如果能修就免費幫我們修,不能修補的話,它們會再寄一個新的午餐袋給我們。我是有告訴膳魔師公司的客服說我這袋子才用了八個月就壞了。
結果在六月中旬, 我花了四塊把袋子用郵寄回去給膳魔師公司 (Thermos) 修補。 很快的,我也把這件事給忘了。
這幾天趁著有很多 back-to-school sale, 忙著幫兒女添購上學要用的文具用品, 順便看了膳魔師公司 (Thermos) 所推出的 Raya 午餐袋新系列。 我和女兒看中了 Raya Lunch Duffle (如圖三), 大概 $10.99,可以容下九個汽水罐。 可是架上都沒有女兒喜歡的圖樣, 所以就擱著也沒買。結果今天一早收到一箱從 膳魔師公司 (Thermos) 寄來的包裹。 箱子一開, 裏面竟然是一個全新的藍色午餐背包 Raya Sling Pack Lunch Cooler (如圖二)。 女兒高興, 媽媽也高興。這新的背包午餐袋可以容下十二個汽水罐, 所以夠長,可以放整罐的膳魔師保溫瓶在裏面。這下子女兒以後上學的午餐有可能是三菜一湯了!
從這次經驗可以學到美國公司對於產品的認知及客服的要求甚高。 平常東西壞了,一定要查查這產品公司的保修計劃 (warranty)。膳魔師公司 (Thermos) 的產品信譽這麼好, 我們繼續會是它的忠實顧客!
Eom Ji-won leads a brewery For Eagle Brothers
2 hours ago
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