The hottest news in Taiwan's tabloid media this week is the marriage of the Chairman and President of Taiwan's Pacific Electric Wire & Cable Co. Ltd., Tao-Tsun Sun, and his 28 year-old bride. There is a 32-year age gap between the newlywed couple. This is Mr. Sun's third marriage and he also had several long-term relationships with women during his marriage. At first look, there is really nothing wrong with Mr. Sun enjoying a May-December marriage, but it's hard to imagine a man who owes his shareholders millions of dollar for running his company to the ground, would have the time and money to wine and dine young women.
Still, it's rather unfair that only men with reasonable financial means can afford to remarry after the demise of the previous marriage, either via divorce or death. So marrying a woman 32 younger is still a sign of wealth and/or power.
This news clip is rather funny. It's about a satirical comedy show in Taiwan. The actors made fun of Mr. Sun and his new bride.
最近臺灣最夯的新聞就是台灣大哥大創辦人孫道存先生的再婚消息。他娶了一位小他三十二歲的吳小姐。媒體喜歡這種新聞, 再加上孫先生本身的情史非常輝煌, 所以這星期的新聞焦點都在講這件事。其實如果孫先生不是個有錢的人, 那麼老了, 怎麼會有人要嫁他呢? 我不是不相信有黃昏之戀這種事,可是老男人如果沒錢, 要談個戀愛, 談何容易?
我有個親戚前幾年喪偶, 所有親朋好友都希望他能續玄,找個人來做伴。說難聽一點是找個人來照顧他。雖然我這親戚身體很硬朗, 又有學識,可是錢不多, 他一個月大概有五萬台幣的收入。有房子住,免貸款 (可是房子是在兒女名下,當初是太太遺留給小孩的), 所以生活得很好。每年還能出國旅遊二次以上。 他當然也很想找個伴陪他到處遊玩,可是只有五萬塊一個月的收入,又已經七十五歲了, 誰要嫁他啊?! 其實我這位親戚也清楚他的積蓄只夠他一個人出國玩,而不夠二個人一起出國玩。所以他也覺得要交到一位知心的女朋友是件非常難的事,更不用說結婚了!
所以喽, 阿公級的男人要談戀愛、結婚還真是沒點錢不行呢!
Melo Movie: Episodes 1-10 (Series Review)
4 hours ago
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