I was going over the playlist of TV programs from Taiwan when I came across a show talking about Feng Fei-Fei, who is a Taiwanese pop music icon from the 1970s. Her husband recently died and the discussion was on her meteoric rise from obscurity to her abrupt departure from the music industry when she married her husband 25 years ago and moved to Hong Kong. I grew up listening to her music and saw her TV variety show every weekend when I was living in Taiwan. The show had on another singer (Lin Su-Rong) who was famous for imitating Ms. Feng because she sounded so much like her. Ms. Lin sang many songs that were made famous by Feng Fei-Fei on the show. Later, another famous variety show host (Kang Hong) who worked with Ms. Feng at the height of her popularity talked about those good old days. He also sang a song that was very popular when I was in elementary school. Gosh, that was a song I haven’t heard for over 30 years and it sure brought back fond memories of my childhood.
今天例行的觀看了 Taiwantalks 所上傳的台灣節目。我一眼就看到國民大會的 “鳳飛飛為愛堅強”,我馬上點閱。雖然我不是鳳飛飛的歌迷,可是她的歌我都非常的熟悉。我從小就愛看電視。星期六及星期天也一定會看鳳飛飛所主持的綜藝節目。 1976年移民到加拿大之後,我們每年暑假也都還會回台灣。那時候的台灣是戒嚴時期,只有三台的節目可以看(根本還沒有第四台),所以能做任何綜藝節目的主持人都是當紅的藝人。那時候大家都非常的愛看鳳飛飛所主持的綜藝節目。雖然這集國民大會的主題是在討論鳳飛飛在最頂峰的時候嫁給了住在香港的商人,而放棄當紅的歌唱生涯。最近她的先生過世,大家都很期待鳳飛飛能再復出。
于美人找了林淑容及康弘上節目談鳳飛飛。這兩位來賓都和鳳飛飛同台過。林淑容因為唱聲很像鳳飛飛,她都一直以模仿鳳飛飛為名。她在國民大會的節目中也唱了很多鳳飛飛的老歌。真讓人回味無窮。更妙的是聽康弘唱 "美麗的星期天" (Beautiful Sunday)。 康弘雖然有把年紀了,可是他真的應證了薑還是老的辣!
Melo Movie: Episodes 1-10 (Series Review)
4 hours ago
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