My husband barbecues steaks quite often. The whole family (in-laws) gets together once a week at the house and we would barbecue up a storm. Unless the grocery stores (Albertson's, Ralph's, and/or Von's) have steaks on sale that particular week, we would just buy our steaks at Costco. One of the disadvantages of shopping at Costco is that you would need to buy the steaks in bulk. It's not usually that we would end up barbecue-ing 8-10 pieces of big steaks at one sitting. I like ribeye steaks and others like New York steaks, either way it's super tasty when the steaks are barbecued. My husband would cut off the excess fat on the ribeye (to avoid fire flareups) and just simply salt and pepper the steaks prior to grilling.
As most families, we have leftover steaks after a big meal. Instead of microwaving the steaks (and thus toughing it), I cut them up into strips and stir-fry them with garlic and green onions. We like our steaks medium rare, so there are still some red in the meat when I cut them into strips, which are perfect for stir-frying.
Stir-fry Beef with Green Onions (Scallions)
1 large piece of BBQ steak (about 8 oz.)
6 sticks of green onions/scallions (add more if you like green onions)
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of oil
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of soy sauce (or to taste)
1 tablespoon of rice wine/vodka/cognac (optional, but do not add red or white wines instead if you don't have the right alcohol)
1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional)
1/2 teaspoon of sesame seed oil (optional)
1. Halve the green onions along its length, then cut them up into 2-inch segments.
2. Crush and dice garlic.
3. Cut up the steaks into 2-inch strips (1/4" x 1/4" x 2")
4. Heat the oil in high heat. Once the pan is hot, put in garlic. Stir-fry and before the garlic pieces turn brown (try not to burn the garlic), put in the green onions, stir-fry, then ADD salt.
5. Stir-fry until the green onions wilt, then ADD beef strips, stir-fry a bit, then ADD soy sauce and wine. Stir-fry some more and ADD sugar. ADD sesame seed oil when the color of beef turns from red (remember it was a medium rare steak) to brown. Stir-fry one more minute until most liquids evaporate and serve. It's perfect on steamed rice.
Ribeye Steak
我們大概每星期天都會跟公婆及小姑一家一起吃飯。最簡單的方式就是在家裏烤肉(BBQ)。我們通常都到 Costco 買牛排, 除非剛好那星期超巿有牛排在減價。我愛吃 ribeye steak ,可是也有家人喜歡 New York steak。在 Costco 買牛排有個 缺點, 就是一次要買很多片牛排(八到十片), 所以常常飯後 剩下很多片烤好的牛排。我老公很會烤牛排。他都會先把多餘的肥肉除去, 免得在烤肉時, 火焰會因為肥肉過多而突然燃燒起來。我不喜歡我的肉片烤得太熟,肉要帶點紅才會嫩 (大約五分熟), 要不然烤過頭的肉都會變得太硬。要烤牛排之前,我們在牛排的雙面都灑上鹽巴及胡椒。因此烤出來的牛排真的是片片鮮美! 可是我今天要講的是吃剩的牛排要如何處理? 我會把它拿來做蔥爆牛肉。
一片烤過的牛排 (大概 10 oz 左右)
1/2 茶匙 (teaspoon) 鹽
一湯匙米酒 (沒有米酒可用 Cognac 或 Vodka 代替, 但不要加白酒或紅酒,因為那樣菜會有酸味)。
1/2 茶匙 (teaspoon) 糖
麻油少許 (大概 1/2 茶匙 teaspoon)
1. 蒜頭拍扁,去薄膜。
2. 蔥去頭去尾洗淨,蔥斜切粗絲。
3. 牛肉逆紋切條。
4. 把沙拉油加入鍋內,爆香蒜頭,大火爆炒幾下,再放入蔥絲一樣大火爆炒,加鹽巴。
5. 再炒一下, 加入切好的牛肉絲。再炒一下, 加入醬油、米酒 、糖及麻油。
6. 快炒之後, 水份也減少了, 肉絲也從紅肉(記得我們的牛排都是烤五分熟的)變熟了, 馬上裝盤盛起。記住蔥絲不能炒太久,不然會變軟就不清脆了。
Eom Ji-won leads a brewery For Eagle Brothers
2 hours ago
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