My son was in need of a pair of shoes. His old pair had holes on the side and his new pair is 2 sizes too big. I finally went out and earnestly looked for a new pair of shoes for him. I started at Payless Shoesource and bought a pair of brown shoes on clearance for $9.99. I had a feeling that he may not like it, but I bought it anyway because it was the only pair of boys' shoes on clearance that was his size at the store. Of course, when I showed the shoes to him after school, he took one look and shook his head and said, "Mom, it's brown!" I felt a little discouraged, so the search continued. In the afternoon, I had a chance to go to Target. I had to run some errands for my mom and she was able to watch the kids for me so I can leave the house without them.
As soon as I got to Target, I went to the shoes department. I was looking for boys' shoes on clearance. I found these Garren shoes at 50% off for $12.48 each. It was more than the $10 that I had wanted to pay, but since it was 50% off (and I have a feeling that my son would like them), I went ahead and bought them. I wasn't sure what my son's shoe size was and I didn't want to take the chance of not getting the right size, so I bought a pair of size 13.5 and a pair of size 1. As soon as my son saw the shoes, he said "COOL"! He put them on immediately and ran down the hall to prove to me that they fit. He was wearing the size 13.5. Now I'm left with the dilemma of whether to return that size 1 pair. Should I save them for my son?!
兒子最常穿的那雙鞋在下雨時就不能穿了, 因為鞋邊磨出了個缝 。只要是沒下雨,兒子繼續穿他的破鞋。一個月前在Payless 買了一雙 $9.99 全黑的新鞋給兒子。穿了一陣子之後, 他才告訴我說那雙鞋太大了! 真是煩死人, 又要開始找鞋子了。雖然一直都在找他能穿的鞋子,但是沒減價的我還是買不下去。今天早上有個空檔,我決定把兒子的鞋子搞定! 我先去 Payless ( 找鞋。這星期Payless 沒減價, 但是我還是找到一雙咖啡色的男童鞋,才$9.99 ,有減價。在十元以下的童鞋我都能接受, 所以就買了。只是無法確定兒子會不會喜歡。
一下課回到家我就把新鞋拿給兒子看。他看了一眼就跑掉了。基本上他不喜歡咖啡色的鞋子。他連試穿都懶得穿。我只好繼續再找兒子能穿的鞋子。下午我剛好要幫我媽去買點東西,她明天一早就要回温哥華了。她說她能幫我看小孩, 好讓我快去快回。我介著這個機會去了趟 Target。一進 Target 就往鞋區走。我想看看有沒有被削價銷售的男童鞋, 果然有一款式正在削價削到五折 ($12.48)。雖然比我十元以下的預算還多出一點, 我還是買了,而且買了兩雙: 一雙 size 13.5 另一雙 size 1。好在兒子一看到這雙鞋,說了一聲“酷!”, 就馬上穿上新鞋跑來跑去, 想證明這雙鞋是他的尺寸, 不準備讓我把這雙鞋給還掉。這下子好了, 我兒子能穿的那雙是size 13.5, 所以我正在發愁, 不知道應不應該把那雙size 1 的鞋子給還掉?!
反正我終於可以鬆一口氣了, 不用再為一雙鞋而煩惱了!
Eom Ji-won leads a brewery For Eagle Brothers
2 hours ago
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