Monday, March 30, 2009

簡單的義大利麵 Tomato Basil Pasta

This is my daughter's favorite pasta dish. It's simple to make and it's particularly good during the summer months because of the fresh ingredients available.

(Cook Time: 10 min., Yield: 6 to 8 servings)


1 pound farfalle/bow-tie pasta OR any pasta
1 lb. cherry tomatoes, cut in half OR 4 plum tomatoes, cut into 1 inch dice
8 basil leaves, cut into chiffonade
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons salt (add more salt if needed)
Fresh basil leaves, for garnish

1. In a large pasta bowl, combine halved cherry tomatoes (squeeze the tomatoes with a spoon), basil, olive oil, and salt.

2. Fill a large pot 3/4 of the way with water and place over high heat. Add plenty of salt and bring to a boil. Add the pasta and cook 8 to 10 minutes (or according to package directions), until al dente.

3. Spoon the pasta out of the pot with slotted spoon and put the pasta on top of the tomato mixture. Toss well and garnish with fresh basil leaves.

我女兒很喜歡吃這道菜。基本上喜歡吃番茄的人也應該會喜歡這道菜的。 我是從 Food TV 學到這道菜的,好像是 Jamie Oliver 的食譜。 可是不知道怎麼回事,我在網路上卻找不到他原版的食譜,所以我就憑記憶,用我的方法把 烹調方式記錄起來。通常我都會從 Trdaer Joe's 買這道菜需要的食材, 像是 olive oil (橄欖油), basil (新鮮的九層塔), cherry tomatoes (櫻桃小蕃茄) 及 bow-tie pasta (蝶形領結義大利麵)。 除了橄欖油以外,全部食材加起來不會超過七元。 買不到櫻桃小蕃茄的話,用普通蕃茄也可以,只要蕃茄的水份多就行了。

(烹飪時間: 10 分鐘, 六到八人份)

1 磅 蝶形領結義大利麵 或 任何義大利麵
1 磅 櫻桃小蕃茄 (切半) 或 4 顆 大粒蕃茄 (切成一寸丁塊。)
8 片新鮮的九層塔,(切細絲)
1/4 杯 橄欖油
2 茶匙 鹽 (不夠鹹再加鹽)

1. 在大碗中加入櫻桃小蕃茄, 新鮮的細絲九層塔, 橄欖油及鹽。用湯匙把櫻桃小蕃茄的湯汁給壓出來。
2. 燒開水, 用包裝上說明的煮麵方法把蝶形領結義大利麵煮熟。
3. 直接把煮好的義大利麵放在(1)料上, 然後再把麵和湯汁攪拌均勻即可。
4. 把切碎的九層塔灑在麵上做裝飾。

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