Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trip to Walmart

I went to Walmart today right before lunch to return the sleeping bag and a baseball helmet that I bought a few weeks ago. I had known that the line up at the Customer Service Counter might be long because I have seen it before, but I didn't expect to line up for 35 minutes just to return things. There were 3 girls working at the counter and they weren't in a rush to move the line along. Granted, they weren't just doing simple returns because one can also do check-cashing and money wiring at the same Customer Service Counter. Still, 35 minutes to wait to return something! That's unheard of on a regular business day. Seriously, it's not like Walmart prices are so much lower than other retail stores that I should even shop there. Anyways, I'm just a little peeved by my Walmart's shopping experience, so I need to vent a bit.

快中午時我去了趟 Walmart。最主要是想把數週前買的睡袋及棒球頭盔給還掉。剛好我爸也想要到Walmart 買他在加拿大使用過的Walmart牌去頭皮洗髮精,所以我就介這機會去了趟Walmart 。其實去之前我就想有可能排隊還東西時會排很久 (因為以前常常看到別人在排隊),只是沒想到我竟然也排了三十五分鐘才把東西還掉!! 真的是浪費時間,況且Walmart 離我家至少有半個小時的車程,所以下次沒事還是不要去Walmart, 因為Walmart 的整個血拼環境真的很差,價錢普通。雖然東西不算太貴,但是也沒有便宜到哪裏去。我看我還是乖乖的繼續到 Target 買東西,至少省油錢!

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