Take a look at this video:
Geez, what is she wearing?! She is doing a lot of movement in this video, but her top is too short and her neckline is too low. What's with the puffy sleeves?! While I was watching the video, I was worried that her midriff would be showing any minute...I am sure it did at some point because her shirt is so short!
What she is wearing is not very appealing! Even the wife of Belize's prime minister looked better and she was wearing only a simple flowery summer dress). Mrs. Ma can go shopping at Episode in Taipei and anything there will look better than what she wore. Apparently, she didn't spend any money buying new clothes for this overseas trip. Everything she wore abroad came out of her closet. She said she didn't need a stylist and she didn't need to borrow clothes from designers. I don't condone over-spending either, but even I (the spendthrift) go shopping for new clothes when I have to go away on vacation or to attend an official function.
It's not a good sign when the President looks better than the First Lady. But you know Taiwan media, they try to suck up to the presidential couple and said she looks so "princessy" in the puffy sleeves and the outfit showed a feminine side that no one had seen before. [cringe!] Then in another news story, President Ma said everything his wife did for him proved that he married the right woman 32 years ago!
This kind of stuff should be said behind clothes doors, in the privacy of their bedroom. I think most wives would do the same for their husbands under the same circumstances. But it made good headlines.
Some says clothes make a woman, but in Carla Bruni's case, no clothes makes a woman. Carla Bruni is the First Lady of France. I won't post any nude photos of her here (I'm trying to operate a family-oriented blog here), but for anyone interested in Carla Bruni's nude photos, she can be Googled. Her husband is equally proud of his wife. Carla Bruni looks great in those nude photos.
Mrs. Ma wearing clothes looked worse than Carla Bruni without clothes!
周美青 (馬英九夫人) 陪同馬英九總統出國拚外交,在友邦貝里斯的活動上,上台與朱宗慶打擊樂團一同表演。可驚的事是她所穿著的服裝。 台灣媒體還說她的姿勢優美! 拜托...馬夫人的上衣太短了, 隨時都有露肚的可能。她的荷葉領、公主袖的上衣, 理論上是 OK 的,但是只能適合穿在五、六歲的身上吧! 五、六十歲的人穿不太好吧! 連我九歲的女兒也覺得那上衣不美觀。而中國時報的標題是 "魅力四射”。 請問她到底射到誰了?! 太讓人爆笑了吧! 馬屁也不用這樣拍!
總之,我覺得懂得節省是臺灣人的美德。可是當總統出國做外交時,如果總統穿得比第一夫人好看(況且總統只是穿西裝、打領帶時), 那夫人就得反省。台灣有很多有名的服裝設計師及品牌, 連美國的第一夫人就懂得穿臺灣設計師的服裝, 為什麼馬夫人不懂呢?! 她並不是沒錢,我們的政府也不可能不給她置裝費, 那她為什麼不好好利用出國的機會介紹台灣的服裝業呢? 她寧願穿舊的 三宅一生(也要好幾萬), 也不願意再花錢支持台灣設計師。她穿的漂亮、得體也能帶動整個台灣及台灣人對於時尚、穿著的認知。
此外,馬總統也表達出他對太太的謝意,說出周美青為他所做的一切證明了他三十二年前所做的決定(他娶了她)是正確的。我真不知道應該怎樣解讀這句話(真的是有點肉麻!)。我總覺得這句話留著私底下跟老婆講比較恰當。我想每個老婆如果做到第一夫人的位子,都會跟周美青一樣的支持先生。先生對老婆的深情及謝意是用行動表現,而不是用嘴巴講講。其實夫妻之間的互動關係不是外人可以瞭解的。可是如果一個公眾人物把它拿出來講,那這件事就變成公共領域 (public domain),得經得起公眾輿論的考驗。
這幾天,法國總理夫人(Carla Bruni)又上了新聞。她美美的裸體相片又要被拍賣了。我不會在這裏 po 上她的裸體相片。要看的人上 Google 找既可。 法國總理聽到這消息對自己的老婆還是很滿意,反而向告知的人要這些照片的拷貝,因為老婆的美體靚影他也想保留一份。 相比之下, 穿上衣服的周美青還比不上脫光衣服的 Carla Bruni!
[Beanie Review] My Dearest Nemesis
2 hours ago