Whenever I have time during the day, I would browse through all the headlines of my two favorite Taiwanese on-line news source: The Apple Daily and China Times. Today, one such headline on www.chinatimes.com grabbed my attention (it served its purpose). "水牛城墜機報告 正副機長打情罵俏 奪五十命" (http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0,4521,5040654+112009051500172,00.html). It was one of those news that captured the hearts and minds of the audience when it happened. Seeing the inferno that ensued after the crash really tugged at my heart strings at the time. The Chinatimes headline indicated that the Buffalo NY crash of a Colgan Air jet a few months ago was caused by the intimate conversation of the pilot and copilot (implying that there might be some hanky panky going on). I was shocked to see the headline, so I went on to read the article. But nothing in the article supported the headline. I went on to read the readers' comments and realized that I wasn't the only one who felt that the headline was either badly translated or badly written. In any case, I went to cnn.com (http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/05/14/buffalo.crash/index.html#cnnSTCText) and Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124212789938210353.html) to get the actual news story. Apparently, the real cause of the crash was the pilot and the co-pilot's inexperience. It really makes me wonder who are flying the planes these days!?!?
我每天有到網上看報的習慣。因為台灣的報社大概會在美西時間下午一、二點時刷新版, 所以我晚上一有時間就會上網看台灣新聞。今天在中時電子報看到一篇很聳動的標題: "水牛城墜機報告 看正副機長打情罵俏 奪五十命" , 看起來這正、副駕駛還真的有來一腿。但是文章內卻沒有提到那正、副駕駛有多曖昧。看到很多人留的言都在批評那記者寫錯標題。我也覺得是這樣, 所以我再上網找一些美國來源的文章來看。看完後才知道這次飛機失事的主要原因是因為正、副駕駛的飛行經歷不夠多, 一旦發現緊急狀況, 他們無法隨機應變, 導致墬機。
看樣子, 中時電子報的記者(或主編)可要多加學習英文了, 才不會把新聞標題翻譯錯誤 。
Melo Movie: Episodes 1-10 (Series Review)
4 hours ago
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