Monday, April 27, 2009

Toberman House visit

Toberman Neighborhood Center ( is a non-profit, multi-purpose neighborhood center that provides various social service programs to low-income individuals and families living in the South Bay, moving them from poverty to self-sufficiency. One day last December, my daughter's girl scout troop provided and served dinners to 120 kids and adults who were at the Toberman House at the time. Most kids were there for after school activities. My daughter didn't get a chance to go because we were in Taiwan at the time. A month ago, our troop leader informed us that we were invited back to the Toberman House, as part of a Grade 7 Girl Scout troop who will be there serving food at the House. We are in charge of providing side dishes (vegetables, breads, salads, potatoes). As the theme was Italian night, I tried to figure out what would be the appropriate side dish for my daughter to bring to the Toberman House today. I thought Garlic Bread can be a good side dish to Italian food, so I went to and found a great Garlic Bread recipe (

So I went to Sam's Club this morning and got all the ingredients I need to make enough Garlic Bread for 120 people. As I was browsing down the aisles for the ingredients I need (Italian loafs, garlic, butter, grated Parmesan cheese, and parsley flakes), I saw Pepperidge Farm's Texas Garlic Toasts. I thought to myself, this would be far easier than to make the garlic bread from scratch, and not necessarily more expensive either. At 32 slices, each box sells for $7.06. I immediately bought 4 boxes and we are all set for today.

今天女兒的女童子軍團要去 Toberman House ( 的餐廳服務。每一位女童子軍要負責帶一道菜和幫忙端菜。去年十二月中旬, 女兒的女童子軍團已經去過一次, 但是我們剛好回臺灣, 所以沒能跟著去, 只有買了幾盤冷凍的義大利寬麵請同團的媽媽烘烤後帶去。這一次女兒的女童子軍團是要跟著兩團七年級的女童子軍一起去 Toberman House 的餐廳服務。我們要負責帶附菜(青菜、沙拉、馬鈴薯)之類的菜。我想了好久, 決定帶蒜蓉麵包。還上網 ( 查看了蒜蓉麵包的做法。今天一早送了小孩上學之後, 馬上開車到 Sam's Club 買做蒜蓉麵包的材料 (義式麵包、蒜頭、帕瑪森奶酪、奶油及歐芹粉)。逛著逛著卻看到了Pepperidge Farm 的德州蒜頭土司 Texas Garlic Toasts . 一小箱三十二片才 $7.06, 比自己買麵包來做還便宜。所以當下就買了四盒回家,省了我不少時間!

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